Entering The Adulthood Phase

Adissa Amanda
4 min readAug 6, 2021

So now you are in your 20s which is commonly a circumstance where everyone could be involved in getting through a quarter-life crisis. Or it could be you in a state where your mind is imprisoned caused by overwhelming information about your friends who graduated, married, or whatever it is that you might label an achievement. The first thing that appears in your mind must be, “Why have I be there yet? What did I do wrong? Am I too outdated?”, and another constant self-blaming, as well as you, start to question your whereabouts. There also might be times when you feel like you have no idea if you feel content with the current situation in front of you. Hence, head over your favorite tunes while you are about to have a therapeutic self-reflection with yourself after reading this article, perhaps.

First thing first, keep in mind that it is inevitable.

Something is probably threatening your so-called comfort zone. However, the right thing to do is allow your mind to not be in denial about all of it and just let it happen for a little while because that might be the first step that could ease up your mind to prevent one from feeling tense. If you happen to know your friends are celebrating their achievement, some people get it that our subconscious mind would sense all the jealousy, leading you to compare yourself to others. However, you can always be aware and notice the feeling to comprehend that it is somewhat acceptable to feel that way. Moreover, remain in charge of your hormones to not let them sink into your mind permanently. To do that, try to seek better steps like simply changing the way you perceive other people as your collaborator instead of your competitor. When you did that, you will no longer be feeling reluctant to approach them for help or even a fresh new insight. Based on some experiences, if you perceive them equally as if your self-confidence trait tells you that you are worth having potential as they do, you would be feeling much better afterward. Remember to befriend your unwanted thoughts and try to release them whenever needed to lower all tension might be the right thing you want to try. Also, have faith in yourself that you will eventually get through this phase. Either way, why bother the rush?

Trust your timeline

Acknowledging that being something in your 20s is not an emergency, but instead, understand that you can proceed to start whenever ready on the other hand. The truth is everyone has their starting point and personal matters. With that being eloquently said, what you see on the screen is merely on the surface. Well, who knows if they might have to be miserable by getting through obstacles everyone doesn’t know about behind the scenes. In the meantime, it would be easier to stumble upon the words by Theodore Roosevelt that tells, “Comparison is the thief of joy”. It is nevertheless a pearl of wisdom wrote succinctly yet very realistic as it is. Eventually, realizing that you are worthy of your potential as this universe has this obligation to provide you a valuable opportunity you can figure out anywhere. Put trust in yourself that starting small does matter because sooner or later, you will achieve big things ahead by doing one thing at a time.

“Action speaks louder than words,” they say

Perhaps you’ve already read the famous quotes aforementioned everywhere. However, if you try to dive deeper into it by the time you grow up, you’ll soon realize it kind of makes sense. Some days you have an idea that appears out of the blue, but it stays only in your mind until you are not realizing this unpleasant truth I’ve once heard: “The universe won’t be waiting for you.” Perhaps it could be that you’ve already thought about it as a burden, or you have so much distraction going your way at the moment, and more uncertain thoughts in your mind creating a pile of negative blocks. In light of this case, I once read this eye-opening sentence I found on Twitter’s thread a long time ago, and it says that you could’ve done all your tasks by replacing your mind scenario “yeah, but…” (in the context of doubting yourself) into “yeah, so…” (at this point, you finally got the courage to start doing even if just baby steps).

To sum it all up, everyone must have to get through this phase. The phase of life overwhelmed by uncertainty, self-doubting, or maybe the feeling of getting left behind. However, learn to accept that it is inevitable, and you will then choose not to take the granted of living in the present, but making the fun out of every step of the journey instead. External circumstances are somewhat unacceptable but being hard on yourself means creating another unimportant issue, let alone losing your self-respect. The truth is we are always capable to cultivate self-respect and remain in charge of taking control of ourselves in every possible way as a part of the growth journey.

Best of luck, my fellow 20s readers! :-D

Written by Adissa Amanda



Adissa Amanda

she has no idea where to pour her contentment in writing and so she begin to relies on this platform